Life Groups at Woodland Community Church are small group Bible studies.
Woodland Life Groups
Monday, March 10, 2025
doing life together

What to Expect

What are Life Groups?
They are small groups of 6-16 adults that meet weekly for fellowship and to study the Bible together.  This comes from the Bible where the early church met not only in the Temple (a large group) but also in people's homes (small groups) in Act. 5:42.  We believe the small group is the best context for spiritual growth.
Groups are "Safe"
You won't be put on the spot, asked to pray out loud (unless you want to), or read out loud.  And you don't have to have any prior Bible knowledge.
Can I just try a Life Group?
You can try one or more groups any time. When you find a Group that "fits" join it so you can benefit from the friendships and relationships that develop.
What to expect if you try a Home Life Group
It's a casual atmosphere.   The Bible study topics are practical, down to earth, focusing on what God says about life issues we all face. That makes it easy to join in the discussion even if you don't have much, or any Bible background.  You'll have a chance to share prayer requests,  but no one is put on the spot to pray or read out loud.  Most home groups run 90 minutes, with some fellowship and snacks before and after.  Home groups have the advantage of more time, a more casual setting, and a variety of nights and locations.
What to expect If you try an On Campus Life Group
On Campus Life Groups have the same approach, but groups may be a little bigger and the time frame shorter (60-75 minutes).  They have the advantage of convenience, being before or after a worship service, or at a time when childcare is provided through our Children's ministries (KFC on the Weekend and INTERSECTION on Wednesday nights). 
When Do  Life groups start?
Groups are on-going and they are "open" which means you can try one any time.  Try one this week!
What Do the Life Groups Study?
Groups use a wide variety of Bible-based studies that focus on practical topics, or a book of the Bible.  Most studies are 6 to 8 weeks in length.
What If My Schedule Means I'll Miss From Time to Time?
We understand that sometimes you have business or other schedule conflicts that will mean you miss a week.  If you do miss, the studies are easy to pick up on the following week.
What Do You Mean by Group "life stage"?
Every Life Group has a "life stage" listed as part of it's description.   "Mixed" groups are a mixture of married and single adults. We have couples, singles, men's and women's groups too.   Most descriptions also include an approximate age range, like 20's, 30's, etc.  but often it's the age of your kids that really determines what group you will have the most in common with. We can help you with specific recommendations of Groups to try.
Is There a Cost?
Some studies have a participant book that usually runs $5-$9.  Often a couple can share a book.
What About Child Care?
On-campus groups use the children's programs as child care during their group time (Sat. 6:15pm; Sunday 9:00am & 10:30am; Wed. PM).
Home Life groups vary:  some have a back room and parents rotate watching the children; some pool for a babysitter; some have everyone get their own sitter.  Call your group host to find out their plan.  Some Wednesday night home groups are close enough that on Wednesday night they can use the church's AWANA and childcare (drop off starts at 6:15pm and pick up is by 9:00pm for those in a group.  If not in a Wed. group, then please pick your AWANA child up by 8:15pm).
What About My Child or Teenager?  Do they have Life Groups?
The Teens have their Life Group on campus (Sat. 6:15pm; Sunday 9:00am, or high school juniors & seniors Tuesday nights at 8:00 at Tim and Jennifer Passmore's house for Kinetic).  The elementary children have their Life Group during Kidtropolis time on Saturday (during adult worship) and Sunday (9:00am and 10:45am).
WHAT ABOUT Starting My Own Group?...