Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Monday, February 10, 2025
A community in pursuit of a deeper relationship with Christ through the ministries of fellowship, worship, faith-filled discipleship, compassionate mission, and outreach.

Age-Level Ministries

                                                                          Sunday School at Aldersgate

Pre-School and Elementary

Sunday School occurs at the same time as worship, and begins in the worship service.  Children are invited to sit with their family for the opening music, prayer time, and Children's Moment, and then are dismissed to Sunday School.  The Nursery is available at all times for children 5 and under.
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Sunday School Calendar: 2016-17

Back-to-School Kickoff is Sunday, Sept 11, 2017 10:30 am.
Sunday, December 18th, 10:30 - Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 25th - vacation (Christmas Brunch)
Sunday, January 1st - vacation
                         Sunday, May 21st - Children's Sunday/End of Year

Confirmation (7th and 8th Grade)

Meetings are at Pastor Rachel and Sam's house from 5 to 7 pm, including dinner.  Confirmands are permitted one absence from the nine meetings. In addition to the once-monthly meetings, Sunday morning worship attendance is expected an average of once per month or more over the year (10 months).  Also, students will participate in one "Be the Church" mission or ministry opportunity each year, showing God's love in a tangible way.

Meetings for 2016-17

September 18, October 16, November 13, December 4

January 8, February 12, March 12, April 2, May 7

Confirmation Sunday is June 4th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Youth Group Jr.

Youth Group Jr. is for elementary school aged youth.  It meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays after church during the school year, noon to 1:00 (children bring a lunch).

Youth Group

Youth Group ("Velociraptors") is for all middle and high school aged youth.  It meets on the 1st Fridays of each month, 7:00 pm, starting in September.

Adult Book Study Group   

Adult Book Study Group - meets Wednesday mornings at 10:30, choosing books of help to our faith and spirituality, with lively discussion. 
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These relational, conversational and confidential invitation-only small groups meet bi-weekly to encourage members to deepen in their walk with Jesus in the ways God is prompting. 

“Sisterhood” gROUP

“Sisterhood” Group meets monthly in homes of the ladies for fellowship time and study.  Dates and locations vary.
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“Melonballs” men’s group

“Melonballs” men’s group meets Thursdays once a month to shop for our Free-for-All Breakfast, and then go out for a bite to eat; also to do service projects as needed.

"Retiree's and Wannabe's" Group

is open to all who wish to join for outings and activities occurring about once a month.
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